Post Code Restrictions:
Shared Ownership Mortgages: England and Wales
BTL Mortgages: England and Wales
Register to place business with Cambridge:
*Please select that you are a PMS Mortgage Club member when registering, placing business or checking existing payment route to ensure you receive the procuration fee quoted by PMS.
Your trickiest mortgage cases. Completed with a bit of common sense. We love technology. But we’ll always pride ourselves on human-made mortgage decisions when the time’s right.
Whether it’s buy-to-let, shared ownership or Holiday Let, The Cambridge team can bring a breath of fresh air to our intermediaries’ most complex cases.
No upper age limit across their range of residential and BTL mortgages.
First Time Buyers
They have a comprehensive First Time Buyer proposition.
- 95% LTV products
- Shared Ownership
- Help to Buy
- 40 year maximum term
- They’ll accept applications on flats up to 8 storeys high
Shared Ownership
Their Shared Ownership mortgage range is exclusively available to Sesame and PMS members throughout England and Wales.
- 95% of the share can be purchased including new build flats
- 100% staircasing not required
- 25% share upwards
- Further Advances allowed to buy further shares
- Free valuation
Self Employed
The Cambridge prides themselves on their expertise to fully understand Limited Company Accounts, Partnerships and Sole Traders.
- All residential mortgages are available to those that are self employed
- A self employed mortgage range specifically for clients with 1 year's accounts
Buy to Let
They continue to develop and enhance their BTL criteria.
- BTL mortgages available throughout England and Wales exclusively available to Sesame & PMS
- ICR of 125% on BTL remortgages
- 5 Year Fixed BTL mortgage stressed at pay rate plus 1.50%
Expat BTL
Products are available for purchase and remortgage up to 75% loan to value.
- Most countries considered
- No limit in the number of properties in their portfolio
- Minimum loan amount of £20,000 & maximum of £750,000
Holiday Let
- Rent calculated using 30 week average of Low Medium & High Season Rent
- Rental coverage stressed at 140% of either 8,5% or pay rate + 1.5
- Min Loan £50,000 Max Loan £500,000
- Air BNB Accepted
- 90 day Owner Occupancy allowed
Credit Assist
Their Home Solutions Mortgage supports those with a low credit score.
- They’ll consider the following within the last two years:
- Up to 2 missed secured payments
- 3 or more missed loan, credit card, or financial commitment payments
- CCJs if the total does not exceed £5,000
To find out more about their products and criteria visit Cambridgeforintermediaries.co.uk