Flex Off Panel


Give your customers the support they need.

What happens when you can't write protection through Flex.

If you're a Flex member, you'll get access to a wide range of products and services through your five providers. But there may be occasions where you aren't able to place business with your Flex providers, either because a small number of products aren't available, or due to underwriting reasons.

When this happens, you can access more products and providers through your off-panel agencies, which you'll receive from us when you get started with Flex. These agencies will give you access to PMS Zenith providers, and you'll be able to write up to 15% of your business through them. Alternatively, you can also choose to refer business in these cases.

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Off-panel options at a glance

  • When to go off-panel

    If you're not able to write business due to underwriting reasons, then you'll need to go off-panel.

    Where you're looking to source additional products that aren't available through your Flex membership (private medical insurance, group insurance and over-50s cover) you can write these through your Zenith agencies, but we won't count this as off-panel. This means these instances won't count towards your 15% off-panel allowance.

  • What are your options?

    In instances where you're not able to place a case through your Flex membership, you can either choose to write these products yourself by going off-panel, or you can choose you refer your protection cases to one of PMS' trusted partners.

  • How to write off-panel

    When you become a Flex member, we'll provide you with off-panel Zenith agencies that you can access on occasions when your Flex providers can't accommodate your customer's underwriting requirements, giving you access to all the products and providers available through our whole-of-market Zenith offering.

  • How often you can write off-panel

    Where you need to go off-panel due to underwriting reasons, you can write up to 15% of your business through your Zentih agencies, in line with our terms of business.

    You can write as much private medical insurance, group insurance and over-50s cover as you need to through the Zenith panel. This won't be considered as off-panel business, and won't count towards your 15% off-panel allowance.

  • What happens if you write more than 15% of your business off-panel?

    In order for you to be eligible for a Flex membership, you need to write 85% of your business through your five Flex providers. If, due to underwriting reasons, you're not able to do this for two consecutive quarters, your Regional Key Account Manager will work with you to ensure a seamless switch to a Zenith membership, as this will better suit your business and the protection support you offer to your customers.

    Instances where you've written through the Zenith panel for private medical insurance, group insurance and over-50s cover won't count towards your 15% allowance.

  • Where to find your Zenith agencies

    Your Zenith agencies give you access to all the products and providers available through our whole-of-market Zenith offering. If you switched to Flex from Zenith, then you'll be able to place off-panel business using your original agencies.

    Or, if you joined PMS as a Flex member, you'll receive your Zenith agencies at the same time as you receive your Flex agencies when you get set-up.

Talk to us about protection

Your Regional Key Account Manager is here to discuss all your protection needs, and answer your questions.

Contact your Regional Key Account Manager