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*Please select that you are a PMS Mortgage Club member when registering, placing business or checking existing payment route to ensure you receive the procuration fee quoted by PMS.
If you want to deal with a lender who is open, honest and transparent about their lending decisions while totally understanding the needs and complexities of today’s landlords, Quantum Mortgages are the partner for you.
As most lenders continue to chase the technology dream of automation and offering mortgages as quickly as possible, Quantum Mortgages are more concerned with offering landlords and mortgage intermediaries’ greater product choice, more useful & modern lending criteria, coupled with the ability to listen to and understand individual circumstances.
That’s not to say we don’t embrace technology. We simply use our technology to enable us to provide our valued customers with mortgage finance that matches their needs rather than the needs of a credit scoring, decision making tool.
Quantum Mortgages closed a significant seed funding round in 2021 and secured an initial £1 billion of mortgage funding with the backing of funds managed by AB CarVal, an established global alternative asset manager.
AB CarVal is an established global alternative investment manager focused on distressed and credit-intensive assets and market inefficiencies. Since 1987, AB CarVal’s team has navigated through ever-changing credit market cycles, opportunistically investing $138 billion in 5,655 transactions across 82 countries. Today, AB CarVal has approximately $15 billion in assets under management in corporate securities, loan portfolios, structured credit and hard assets. For more information, please visit www.abcarval.com.
But why choose us? If you want to deal with a lender who is open, honest and transparent about their lending decisions while totally understanding the needs and complexities of today’s landlords