Discover Magazine - PMS Mortgage Magazine

Discover Magazine

Discover - Issue 2 (2024)

In this issue:


  • Family Value Can Help Protection Market Growth
  • Time To Go Online?
  • How Diversity, Equity And Inclusion Events Can Help To Raise Our Industry


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Discover - Issue 1 (2024)

In this issue:


  • Get Ready For The Growth Of Shared Ownership
  • Don’t Overlook New Build
  • Protection Cover Supporting Mental Health


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Discover - Issue 4 (2023)

In this issue:


  • Navigating a Turbulent 2023
  • Three Principal Groups in the Property Rental Sector
  • Q3 Bridging Trends Revealed


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Discover - Issue 3 (2023)

In this issue:


  • Are your clients making use of Mental Health Support services?
  • Professional Landlords weather the storm
  • Ramping up Communications Support, and Service Standards


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Discover - Issue 2 (2023)

In this issue:


  • Consumer Duty, are you ready to meet the deadline?
  • What's in store for First-Time Buyers?
  • Maximising the Buy-To-Let Refinance Opportunity


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Discover - Issue 1 (2023)

In this issue:


  • Green Shoots in the BTL Market
  • Finding the Right Solution for your Complex Customers
  • Why Now is the Time for Next Generation Insurance


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Discover - Issue 4 (2022)

In this issue:


  • Maximising Opportunities In The BTL Sector
  • The Rise And Rise Of Semi-commercial
  • Meet The Children’s Critical Illness Innovator


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Discover - September 2022 (2022)

In this issue:


  • A vote of confidence in the BTL Market
  • A thought that really counts when living costs are rising
  • Why we're ready to increase Maximum LTV's on New Build


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